Loving it
Loving it
Lee.. Uhh... Doesn't look..uhh.. Black enough, other than that, really cool!
Thank you. It does look a little dark and gritty with it's old film texture overlay.
It looks really fast, that makes the arms just disappear and reappear, wish you made it slow, but other than that, really well done
One thing I don't like is the face, especially the nose, the body is well drawn, but the face just kills it all, I advise you work on noses, eyes, mouth and whatnot, but if I were to pass that it would a 5, of course I cannot pass that, so its a 3 and a half
Had me chuckling
I think it's fairly chuckle-worthy :)
Dammit this is not the pepe I expected.
Oh.. well I don't really understand the arms, rather than that I see nothing wrong except at the last frame the arm twitches out of the jacket.
I respect this.
Fucking badass
though everything seems just a little wobbly
i dont even know if i should rate this
I like pixel art
Joined on 3/23/14